You find true love

среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.

Tanks of Junta of Kiev against people

‎Junta‬ of ‪‎Kiev‬ (supported ‪‎USA‬ and ‪‎EU‬) against simple people of the ‪‎East‬ Tanks against people of ‪‎Lugansk‬


I recall that the people demand a ‪‎referendum‬ and ‪‎federalization‬ (not separation but federalization, as it is in Russia now - the Russian ‪‎Federation‬), to recognize Russian language as the state and equal rights for all, not to be unhuman, as it was before (after the collapse of ‪‎USSR‬) What do the ‪‎Nazis‬ and their patrons - spend ‪‎GENOCIDE‬!

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