You find true love
четверг, 20 декабря 2012 г.
Torture in Libya has become the norm and all world adopt it... all OK all calm
Torture in Libya has become the norm and all world adopt it... all OK, all calm
вторник, 18 декабря 2012 г.
среда, 12 декабря 2012 г.
вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.
суббота, 8 декабря 2012 г.
Only smile
"I do not even know how I can now treat her claim that" the U.S. authorities intend to prevent the creation of a new version of the Soviet Union under the guise of regional economic integration ", - said the politician.
Medvedchuk called such words Clinton syndrome "world policeman." According to the Ukrainian politician, U.S. Secretary of State really wanted to scare anybody.
"I can even guess whom. Today, when the political influence of the United States falls dramatically in Europe, and the Middle East and in the Arab world, and their economic and financial failures threw half the world into the abyss of financial crisis, threatening statements, such as those made secretary of state, may make only a smile "- said Medvedchuk.
Libya right now: woman raped and tortured by shocker
Libya right now: woman raped and tortured by shocker
пятница, 7 декабря 2012 г.
среда, 5 декабря 2012 г.
US-Backed Terrorists Mass Murder Unarmed Civilians in Syria
Washington Post claims "soldiers" were executed - terrorists in video clearly refer to victims as civilian "shabih." Victims had no weapons, uniforms, or IDs indicating they were soldiers.
Tony Cartalucci
Land Destroyer
November 2, 2012
An egregious war crime was reported on by the Washington Post, but deceitfully and purposefully spun and shrugged off. In the Post's article, "Syrian rebels execute unarmed government soldiers; dozens killed in fighting," it is first reported:

Tony Cartalucci
Land Destroyer
November 2, 2012
An egregious war crime was reported on by the Washington Post, but deceitfully and purposefully spun and shrugged off. In the Post's article, "Syrian rebels execute unarmed government soldiers; dozens killed in fighting," it is first reported:
Syrian rebels executed at least a half-dozen unarmed government soldiers Thursday after attacks on checkpoints near the town of Saraqeb in northwest Syria.

суббота, 1 декабря 2012 г.
четверг, 29 ноября 2012 г.
Hillary. we have a problem.
Hillary. we have a problem.Mahmud Abbas invited Russian to exhume. They can tell the truth!
Why Arafat's widow does not want participation of Russian experts on the exhumation of the body her spouse for research. Why? This is not a policy, it is the experts, and the best in the World! That they want to hide, those who started this? Ignite a new fire of violence and war in the Middle East?
Full text on Russian
Middle East,
Russian experts,
среда, 28 ноября 2012 г.
Democratic genocide ...
Native Americans and Palestinians ... you ask what they have in common? Democratic genocide ...
watch the maps the total extermination subhuman by superhuman!
Natives of America
Terrorist in Syria
Woman-terrorist tells about how they were kiddneped and killed people in Syria. How Receive and impart arms from abroad. She tells how the terrorists fired at civilians and then blame the Syrian army loyal to Assad
вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.
понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.
среда, 21 ноября 2012 г.
вторник, 20 ноября 2012 г.
about civil war in Russia
"Each live cartridge shot of a Russian soldier during the year (civil war) in the Bolsheviks, made in England, the English workers from English material delivered to Vladivostok English steamship"
(Alfred Knox - British general, member of the Russian Civil War)
Russian soldier,
White Army
понедельник, 19 ноября 2012 г.
суббота, 17 ноября 2012 г.
пятница, 16 ноября 2012 г.
пятница, 9 ноября 2012 г.
About Bourgeois state
ANY BOURGEOIS STATE, if THIS STATE can not manage by peaceful means, readily converted to fascism. This showing us now for example of American invaded Iraq, Libya and etc. (Dr., professor Alexander Kazennov, Russia)

The war against human, against women and children!!!
The terrorism in Syria - the war against human, against women and children!!!
STOP yours help!!! look in eyes of Syrian people!!!
вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.
понедельник, 5 ноября 2012 г.
Alqaeda Levant aka FSA Detonates a Car Bomb in Mazzeh 86 Targeting Families
Al Qaeda Levant aka Free Syrian Army FSA based in Turkey has detonated a car bomb in the very condensed Mazzeh 86 residential slums neighborhood, the neighborhood which hosts poorer public workers and students from Damascus University.
Even if Al Qaeda targets Syrian Army, it's a terrorist group attacking state troops, that's giving the Syrian state more justification to go after them and their enablers and financiers.
They claim they targeted a Syrian Army post, so watch for yourselves and judge, especially you in the west who are paying your tax money to fund these terrorists instead of asking your governments to look after your own welfare, healthcare, education and securing your pensions.
воскресенье, 4 ноября 2012 г.
суббота, 3 ноября 2012 г.
суббота, 27 октября 2012 г.
пятница, 26 октября 2012 г.
'Libyan humanitarian catastrophe ignored by Western media'
"As violence in Bani Walid continues for the 21st day, very few western media outlets appear interested in reporting on what some are calling a humanitarian catastrophe.
The silence is a far cry from the situation last year, when Libya and Colonel Gaddafi’s forces made front page news.
Today’s situation is much worse…the number of people killed since NATO intervened has gone up by ten to twenty times. We’ve got massacres going on at the moment and there’s complete silence in the UK and the US, journalist and author Neil Clark told RT.
Anytime there is a hint that the Syrian government has chemical weapons, it’s front page news on all the western channels. But this story about Libya just isn’t news, he said.
Clark spoke to RT about the alleged double standards of the western media when it comes to Libya and Syria.
RT: There's yet been no international response to the fact that civilians are being killed in Bani Walid, especially from those states that backed the revolution in Libya a year ago. Why is that?
Neil Clark: Let’s think back to February 2011. We couldn’t pick up a newspaper in the UK or the US or put on the BBC or CNN without hearing about what was going on in Libya. The Humanitarian disaster, we were told Colonel Gaddafi’s forces were killing lots of people, there were dangers of a massive massacre in Benghazi, and because of that we went to war…that was the reason for war. And today, the situation is much worse. We’ve got a humanitarian catastrophe taking place. The number of people killed since NATO intervened has gone up by ten to twenty times. We’ve got massacres going on at the moment and there’s complete silence here in the UK and in the US.
среда, 24 октября 2012 г.
суббота, 20 октября 2012 г.
Picket near US embassy in Moscow
Picket of movement Essence of time and Muscovites was yesterday. More than 60 people stand near US embassy with red flags. They demanded stop support terrorism in Syria and expressed solidarity Syrian President Bashar Assad and his people in their struggle with the intervention,wich trying to hold the U.S. with the help of Turkey and radical Islamists.
Lined up in front of the embassy, the participants in an hour chanting slogans: "NATO, out of Syria," "Syria and Russia - together forever", is a traditional "Allah! Syria! Bashar a bass!" and no less traditional "Yankee, go home!".

пятница, 19 октября 2012 г.
четверг, 18 октября 2012 г.
среда, 17 октября 2012 г.
вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.
пятница, 12 октября 2012 г.
Misurata militias used poison gas against the people of Bani Walid city
Misurata militias used poison gas against the people of Bani Walid city
Gaddafi’s regime looks like a beacon of light compared to the current govt
Protesters from Bani Walid shout slogans during a demonstration against the decision of the National Congress besieging the city of Bani Walid, in front of the National Congress in Tripoli read more
вторник, 9 октября 2012 г.
The fruits of capitalism in Russia. He did not live to see the spring. He will die in the cold northern Russian winter. But it is so democratic - capitalism!

понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.
Dozens arrested at San Francisco protest (PHOTOS)
воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.
Congrats people of Venezuela and Chavez!!!
44,97 for Capriles they want capitalism? Why? Really this people don't understand what they will receive in this case - more homeless, more crime, more corruption, more no employed...Really they don't see what sad way pass Russia??? Communists of Venezuela you have a more work for change this situation otherwise you will receive contrrevolution in next election like in Russia in perestroika 1991, stop please
Chavez gained 54.42 percent. Congrats people of Venezuela and Chavez!!!

суббота, 6 октября 2012 г.
The fact of libyan rebels prisons
Why you do not stop now these atrocities. Such democracy you have brought on your bombs. Now, the rats prison became so democratic. Rats democratic torture and democratic kill poor Libyans now and the West is silent. West gave the award to three bitchs from Russia. West busy West keep new human rights in another countries. Libya has now bitten apple
black people,
The fact of libyan rebels prisons
вторник, 2 октября 2012 г.
Americans already detained under NDAA?
The plaintiffs that are suing US President Barack Obama over his insistence on keeping the National Defense Authorization Act on the books said Thursday that they fear Americans are already being held indefinitely and without trial under the NDAA.
US President Barack Obama refrained from even once commenting on his efforts to keep his power to indefinitely detain Americans without charge when he appeared on recently and urged users to “Ask Me Anything.” His opponents in the matter aren’t shying away from speaking up online, though.
The plaintiffs in the case to ban the White House from imprisoning Americans indefinitely without trial or due justice took to Reddit on Thursday to answer questions involving the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2012, or the NDAA, and blamed corrupt media for letting the Obama administration maintain its ability to book Americans in military prisons without charge.
On December 31, 2011, President Obama authorized the NDAA, and with it he approved a controversial provision that permits the government to indefinitely detain US citizens without trial for mere allegations of ties to suspected terrorists. Journalists and activists filed a lawsuit against the president earlier this year over the provision, Section 1021, which US Federal Judge Katherine Forrest in turn agreed was unconstitutional. Last month Judge Forrest decided that an earlier, temporary injunction on the clause should be made permanent, but the Obama Justice Department pleaded for an emergency stay only hours later. A lone federal appeals judge has since heard that plea and has momentarily blocked Judge Forrest’s injunction. Now pending the results of an appeals panel’s formal investigation, the NDAA’s indefinite detention provision remains on the books.
On Thursday, the plaintiffs in the case — journalist Chris Hedges, activist Tangerine Bolen, Pentagon Papers leaker Dan Ellsberg, their attorneys and others — told users of Reddit to ask them anything.
“The Obama DOJ has vigorously opposed these efforts, and immediately appealed her ruling and requested an emergency stay on the injunction – claiming the US would incur ‘irreparable harm’ if the president lost the power to use Section 1021 – and detain anyone, anywhere until the end of hostilities on a whim. This case will probably make its way to the Supreme Court,” the plaintiffs acknowledged in their introduction.
From there, President Obama’s opponents in federal court combed through hundreds of posts to answer questions regarding the NDAA over the course of several hours. And although the plaintiffs have not exactly been silent with the status of their fight since suing the White House earlier this year, the insight they offered on Reddit provided a fresh update on the case against the NDAA amid some of the government’s most unusual legal maneuvers yet.
Offering his take on the case, Hedges said that he even believes the NDAA’s indefinite detention clause is already being used to imprison Americans, “because they filed an emergency appeal.”
“If the Obama administration simply appealed it, as we expected, it would have raised this red flag,” Hedges added.“But since they were so aggressive it means that once Judge Forrest declared the law invalid, if they were using it, as we expect, they could be held in contempt of court. This was quite disturbing, for it means, I suspect, that US citizens, probably dual nationals, are being held in military detention facilities almost certainly overseas and maybe at home.”
“The signing statement is the most ridiculous part to this for me. He writes this statement saying he's not happy about the power existing, but then his administration fights so hard to keep that specific power in place,” Reddit user devilrobotjesus responded.
“If Obama didn't want it to happen, he would not have signed it, especially after stating that he would veto it,” co-counsel Carl Mayer explained. Mayer has represented the plaintiffs in the case of Hedges v. Obama and said that he plans on continuing his pursuit to take indefinite detention off the books.
“We will do whatever it takes,” Mayers added. “We are prepared for a Supreme Court battle.”
Activist and journalist Tangerine Bolen is also insistent on prevailing over the Obama administration, but says “The biggest obstruction to our winning this case . . . is our broken systems.” Bolen blames a lack of media coverage, insufficient public awareness “and the government behaving very badly, even in court, on the record,” for the difficulties the plaintiffs have had to endure, adding that the Obama administration’s constant missteps have been noticed by no one except “seven plaintiffs, four attorneys, one federal judge and the activists who have been following this case.”
“Amazing,” she added.
Journalist Chris Hedges extrapolated on Bolen’s opinion, singling out “a corporate-owned system of information” for not informing Americans that they can be imprisoned without trial at this very moment.
“MSNBC, which is a propaganda arm of the Democratic establishment, just as Fox is a propaganda arm of the Republican establishment, is not going to raise this as Obama is as guilty as Romney. If we had a healthy press this would have gotten more coverage, although the print media, and in particular my old paper the NY Times, finally did good coverage,” Hedges wrote.
Daniel Ellsberg, the former Defense Department employee who achieved notoriety a generation earlier by leaking what became known as the Pentagon Papers, agreed that the system is severely in fault in this instance.
“Virtually every public institution has failed us gravely. Not only the executive, but the courts, congress, most of the media and most of the churches,” Ellsberg wrote on Reddit. “Radical reform is needed, even to the point of non-violent revolution. “
Elsewhere, the panel touched on why they believe the Obama administration is so adamantly fighting to keep the NDAA legal.
“It is quite possible that the NDAA is . . . a way to get Julian Assange and WikiLeaks,” Bolen claimed. “While the USG has tried to paint us as irrational, delusional and ridiculous, you see the slippery slope here.”
On his part, Hedges said that emails hacked by Anonymous and released by Wikileaks show that the US government has attempted to "tie a legitimate dissident group to terrorism and strip them of their right of dissent,” to which Bolen follows up with an explanation that supports the ramped up attempts from the White House to persecute whistleblowers and leakers under President Obama
“Yes, of course, if [Assange] is an enemy of the state, then yes, [The New York Times] could be considered to have communicated with the enemy. And perhaps the NDAA is a way to finally nail him,” Bolen said.
A three-judge appeals panel is expected to soon weigh in on the stay placed on Judge Forrest’s injunction, in the meantime keeping Section 1021 and the rest of the NDAA applicable to every American.
пятница, 28 сентября 2012 г.
вторник, 25 сентября 2012 г.
Destiny of a Man
"Sudba cheloveka" (Destiny of a Man, Osud člověka) - starring and directed by Sergei Bondarchuk
The fragment Sergei Bondarchuk (Sokolov) and Pavel Boriskin (Vanyushka)
... the war ended. Boy Vanya orphan.
- Where is your father?
- Was killed at the front.
- Mom?
- Mom bomb killed when we were going to visit.
- And how you were driving?
- Do not know
- Now you do not have relatives here?
- no one
- And where do you have a night?
- And where I can.
- Vanya, and you know who I am?
- Who?
- I am your father
- My dear dad. I knew, I knew you found me. I waited so long when you have find me. My dear dad, dad my dear...
понедельник, 24 сентября 2012 г.
суббота, 22 сентября 2012 г.
March and rally in Moscow today
March and rally in Moscow today will start in 15 hours Noscow time for support right of family against juvenile Justic which lobbies homosexuals. Protect traditional families. Children are not a commodity! Say No homosexual dictatorship! Say NO to the dictatorship of the bourgeois!!!

homosexual dictatorship,
tradition family
пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.
среда, 5 сентября 2012 г.
воскресенье, 2 сентября 2012 г.
пятница, 31 августа 2012 г.
Twitter: the terrorists' new favorite social network?
Are Islamic terrorists still relying on sleeper cells and encrypted correspondence to communicate calls for jihad among other violent extremists? Maybe, but they’re making a splash on Twitter, too.
“On Twitter, they get more reach to expand their propaganda,” London-based researcher Murad Batal al Shishani tells McClatchy this week. Shishani says that while the Internet has allowed terrorists an ever expanding way of communicating with like-minded individuals since the digital age reached its peak, extremists have recently taken an especially fond liking to Twitter, where sending out a short, 140-character message can mobilize masses internationally and at a moment’s notice.
In theory, at least.
Shishani says in his research that while Twitter is indeed thought to be an emerging mode of communication among Islamic extremists and foreign terrorist groups, the outlet is acting more like a recruiting tool or newswire than an actual conduit for calls to action.
“They’re focusing on current events – Syria, or supporting a revolution here or there – but they are not using it for operational activity or to communicate among themselves,” the researcher adds. Instead, he insists, a growing number of Internet-inclined terrorists are taking to Twitter so that they can aim for new recruits using one of the fastest growing modes of communication.
“They can reach the ‘swing people,’ and try to attract more sympathizers,” he explains.
In an article published by the New York Times late last year, reporter Jeffrey Gettleman drew attention to a trend of terrorists favoring Twitter as a way of communicating over the Web, claiming, “terrorism experts say that Twitter terrorism is part of an emerging trend.”
Twitter, wrote Gettleman, was usurping previously popular social networking sites among audiences of all sorts, and that was evident within al-Qaeda and other organizations as well. In that instance, though, Gettleman wrote that one particular microblog account — one tied to the press office of Somalia’s Harakat al-Shabab al-Mujahedeen — might be shut down by US authorities.
“American officials say they may have the legal authority to demand that Twitter close the Shabab’s account, @HSMPress, which had more than 4,600 followers as of Monday night,” they Times wrote last year. At the time, Trevor Timm of the Electronic Frontier Foundation mocked Congress’ likely call for a removal of the account in question, saying on his own Twitter account, “How fast does Joe Lieberman release a statement today saying we should censor the Net in the name of national security? I bet before noon.”
Now nearly a year since the @HSMPress account made headlines, McClathcy says that terrorist-tied Twitter accounts are indeed still in existence, but don’t seem to be doing anything that unexpected.
“On the feeds I read, they’re not tweeting anything outlandish,” the Center for Strategic Studies’ Will McCants tells McClatchy. “Maybe they blew up a tank or killed two dudes.”
Even after Congress allegedly considered shutting down the @HSMPress account, McCants says doing as much today would do little to garner America another victory in its war on terror. Given the ever growing number of accounts across the world, it might also be impossible.
“There’s not a lot to be gained from taking it down,” McCants says. “The fear is: ‘Oh my God, they’re on Twitter, how far could their propaganda reach?’ Once you calm down, you see that the only people who get excited about it are geeky intel analysts and fans they already have.”
четверг, 30 августа 2012 г.
вторник, 28 августа 2012 г.
Rebels of Syria is killers
People, watch how in FB rebels of Syria call to kill this woman - journalist from Syria. They give all her address her phone numbers, name of her mom where she live and etc. Watch and horribly - you support criminals, monsters, terrorists. Then they will order and kill you and your children

page FB
понедельник, 27 августа 2012 г.
Darayya Massacre
Every day a new massacre is committed against civilians in Syria because they refuse to 'revolt', plac
es and targets are carefully selected in order to ignite a civilian ethnic based war..
Turkey's Erdogan and his Muslim Brotherhood government have lots of crimes and innocent Syrian blood on their hands, now you know why they refused to apologize for the Armenian genocide?
Turkey's Erdogan and his Muslim Brotherhood government have lots of crimes and innocent Syrian blood on their hands, now you know why they refused to apologize for the Armenian genocide?
воскресенье, 26 августа 2012 г.
West’s hypocrisy over Pussy Riot is breathtaking
West’s hypocrisy over Pussy Riot is breathtaking
By Simon Jenkins
Anyone in England and Wales with a dog out of control can now be jailed for six months. If the dog causes injury, the maximum term is to be two years. I have no sympathy for such people. Keeping these beasts is weird, and those who do it probably need treatment. But the minister, Lord Taylor of Holbeach, complained in May that fewer than 20 people were in jail for dangerous dog offences. The sentencing council has duly told courts to raise the threshold to two years, “to send a message”.
The same sentiment a year ago motivated English magistrates to play to the gallery by jailing 1,292 people for stealing bottles of water or trainers or tweeting idiot messages during the dispersed rampage dubbed ‘urban riots’. Hysterical ministers raced home from holiday to tell judges to send messages. Judges duly ruined the lives of hundreds of young people, at great public expense and to no advantage to their victims. I have no sympathy for these people either, but again the politicised response to crime was disproportionate.
A month before, a London court jailed a stoned Charlie Gilmour after he swung on a union flag from the Cenotaph memorial to Britain’s war dead and tossed a bin at a police car, thus causing widespread outrage in the offices of the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail. The judge sent him down for 18 months to send a message carefully designed to wreck his university career. Yet again we need have no sympathy for Gilmour. But there is no such thing as a rap over the knuckles in jail. Judges know that any term in prison is a sentence for life.
How can British politicians, whose statements clearly seek to influence pliable judges, criticise other sovereign states for doing likewise? Last week, the Foreign Office professed itself “deeply concerned” at the fate of Russia’s Pussy Riot three, jailed for two years for “hooliganism” in Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral. They had staged what, by all accounts, was an obscene publicity stunt, videoing an anti-Putin song defamatory of the Virgin Mary in front of pious worshippers.
Good for free speech, we might all say. That the act outraged public decency is an understatement. In a Levada poll of Russian public opinion, just 5 per cent thought the girls should go unpunished and 65 per cent wanted them in prison, 40 per cent with hard labour. Artists round the globe may plead free speech, but to treat the Pussy Riot gesture as a glorious stand for artistic liberty is like praising Johnny Rotten, who did similar things, as the Voltaire of our day. There can be disproportionate apologias as well as disproportionate sentences.
Artists can look after their own. For the British and US governments to get on high horses about Russian sentencing is hypocrisy. America and Britain damned the “disproportionate” Pussy Riot terms.
In America’s case this was from a nation that jails drug offenders for 20, 30 or 40 years, holds terrorism ‘suspects’ incommunicado indefinitely and imprisons for life even trivial ‘three strikes’ offenders.
Guantanamo Bay
Last week alone a US military court declared that reporting the Guantanamo Bay trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad would be censored. Any mention of his torture in prison was banned as “reasonably expected to damage national security”. This has no apparent connection to proportionate punishment or freedom of speech.
The British security establishment during the Tony Blair-Gordon Brown regime tried to censor history books for possible ‘terrorist’ incitement. It introduced control orders, restricted courts and long-period detention without trial. It made unlicensed demonstrating an offence and has since sought prosecution of Twitter and Facebook abuse.
British ministers and courts are craven to what passes for public opinion. The idea that, whenever a crime or antisocial action hits the headlines, “the courts must send a message” is politicised justice. At times, especially in tragic cases involving children, it gets near to a lynch mob. Again the only message sent is to the media. If Britain’s draconian sentencing were effective, British jails would not be bursting at the seams.
There is of course a difference between the liberties enjoyed in most western democracies and the cruder jurisprudence of modern Russia, China and much of the Muslim world. It would be silly to pretend otherwise. But the difference is not so great as to merit the barrage of megaphone comment from west to east.
Double standards
Pussy Riot may have attacked no one and ‘stick and stones break no bones’. But no society, certainly not Britain, legislates on the basis that ‘words can never hurt’. If a rock group invaded Westminster Abbey and gravely insulted a religious or ethnic minority before the high altar, we all know that ministers would howl for “exemplary punishment” and judges would oblige.
Commenting on the social mores of other countries may offer an offshore outlet for the righteous indignation of politicians and editorialists. It has no noticeable effect. Western comments on the treatment of women in Muslim states, dissidents in China or drug offenders in south-east Asia are dismissed as imperial interference. But then how would Britons feel if Moscow or Singapore or Tehran condemned the treatment of Cenotaph protestors?
British courts jail at the drop of a headline. One of the few cabinet ministers in recent years to show a sincere desire to relate punishment to crime and imprisonment to consequence is the justice secretary, Kenneth Clarke. He is now being bad-mouthed out of his job by Downing Street’s dark arts, frightened not of Clarke but of the rightwing press.
Clarke is, with Iain Duncan Smith, a rare minister intellectually engaged with his job and eager courageously to see it through. Why are the Lib Dems not defending him? For David Cameron to sack Clarke would indeed send a message. Of the worst sort.
— Guardian News & Media Ltd
Protesters rally during a demonstration in support of Russian punk band Pussy Riot, Friday, Aug. 17, 2012 in New York's Times Square.
double standarts,
Pussy Riot,
суббота, 25 августа 2012 г.
пятница, 24 августа 2012 г.
среда, 22 августа 2012 г.
понедельник, 20 августа 2012 г.
Slobadan Miloshevich birthday
Slobadan Miloshevich birthday (Aug 20, 1941). Bloodstain will be forever in the West imperialism. There is no forgiveness for the death of innocents and the opening of terror in the World.

Slobadan Miloshevich birthday,
четверг, 16 августа 2012 г.
UK vows to block Assange route as Ecuador grants him asylum
powerlessness of the monsters of imperialism
UK threatens to 'assault' Ecuador Embassy to arrest Assange
Right now Britain rushed to the embassy to arrest Assange. Why they think they can all to them??? Where international law and right?
четверг, 9 августа 2012 г.
вторник, 7 августа 2012 г.
понедельник, 6 августа 2012 г.
North Russian folk choir "Vologda lace"
It's dance is ritual dance dedicated to the god Horus. From this name is name of dance: Horovod
Hirosima and Nagasaki (Aug 6 and 9, 1945)
Today, August 6, 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 200 000 civilians disappeared instantly, 160,000 have received radiation exposure.
Aug 6,
Aug 9,
civil victims,
Hirosima and Nagasaki,
воскресенье, 5 августа 2012 г.
суббота, 4 августа 2012 г.
пятница, 3 августа 2012 г.
воскресенье, 22 июля 2012 г.
суббота, 21 июля 2012 г.
The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking?
Charlie Skelton, Thursday 12 July 2012 15.48 BST
The director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdulrahman, speaks on the phone in his home in Coventry on December 6, 2011. Photograph: Reuters
A nightmare is unfolding across Syria, in the homes of al-Heffa and the streets of Houla. And we all know how the story ends: with thousands of soldiers and civilians killed, towns and families destroyed, and President Assad beaten to death in a ditch.
This is the story of the Syrian war, but there is another story to be told. A tale less bloody, but nevertheless important. This is a story about the storytellers: the spokespeople, the "experts on Syria", the "democracy activists". The statement makers. The people who "urge" and "warn" and "call for action".
It's a tale about some of the most quoted members of the Syrian opposition and their connection to the Anglo-American opposition creation business. The mainstream news media have, in the main, been remarkably passive when it comes to Syrian sources: billing them simply as "official spokesmen" or "pro-democracy campaigners" without, for the most part, scrutinising their statements, their backgrounds or their political connections.
It's important to stress: to investigate the background of a Syrian spokesperson is not to doubt the sincerity of his or her opposition to Assad. But a passionate hatred of the Assad regime is no guarantee of independence. Indeed, a number of key figures in the Syrian opposition movement are long-term exiles who were receiving US government funding to undermine the Assad government long before the Arab spring broke out.
Though it is not yet stated US government policy to oust Assad by force, these spokespeople are vocal advocates of foreign military intervention in Syria and thus natural allies of well-known US neoconservatives who supported Bush's invasion of Iraq and are now pressuring the Obama administration to intervene. As we will see, several of these spokespeople have found support, and in some cases developed long and lucrative relationships with advocates of military intervention on both sides of the Atlantic.
"The sand is running out of the hour glass," said Hillary Clinton on Sunday. So, as the fighting in Syria intensifies, and Russian warships set sail for Tartus, it's high time to take a closer look at those who are speaking out on behalf of the Syrian people.
The Syrian National Council
The most quoted of the opposition spokespeople are the official representatives of the Syrian National Council. The SNC is not the only Syrian opposition group – but it is generally recognised as "the main opposition coalition" (BBC). The Washington Times describes it as "an umbrella group of rival factions based outside Syria". Certainly the SNC is the opposition group that's had the closest dealings with western powers – and has called for foreign intervention from the early stages of the uprising. In February of this year, at the opening of the Friends of Syria summit in Tunisia, William Hague declared: "I will meet leaders of the Syrian National Council in a few minutes' time … We, in common with other nations, will now treat them and recognise them as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people."
The most senior of the SNC's official spokespeople is the Paris-based Syrian academic Bassma Kodmani.
Bassma Kodmani
Bassma Kodmani of the Syrian National Council. Photograph: Carter Osmar
Here is Bassma Kodmani, seen leaving this year's Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia.
Kodmani is a member of the executive bureau and head of foreign affairs, Syrian National Council. Kodmani is close to the centre of the SNC power structure, and one of the council's most vocal spokespeople. "No dialogue with the ruling regime is possible. We can only discuss how to move on to a different political system," she declared this week. And here she is, quoted by the newswire AFP: "The next step needs to be a resolution under Chapter VII, which allows for the use of all legitimate means, coercive means, embargo on arms, as well as the use of force to oblige the regime to comply."
This statement translates into the headline "Syrians call for armed peacekeepers" (Australia's Herald Sun). When large-scale international military action is being called for, it seems only reasonable to ask: who exactly is calling for it? We can say, simply, "an official SNC spokesperson," or we can look a little closer.
This year was Kodmani's second Bilderberg. At the 2008 conference, Kodmani was listed as French; by 2012, her Frenchness had fallen away and she was listed simply as "international" – her homeland had become the world of international relations.
Back a few years, in 2005, Kodmani was working for the Ford Foundation in Cairo, where she was director of their governance and international co-operation programme. The Ford Foundation is a vast organisation, headquartered in New York, and Kodmani was already fairly senior. But she was about to jump up a league.
Around this time, in February 2005, US-Syrian relations collapsed, and President Bush recalled his ambassador from Damascus. A lot of opposition projects date from this period. "The US money for Syrian opposition figures began flowing under President George W Bush after he effectively froze political ties with Damascus in 2005," says the Washington Post.
In September 2005, Kodmani was made the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) – a research programme initiated by the powerful US lobby group, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The CFR is an elite US foreign policy thinktank, and the Arab Reform Initiative is described on its website as a "CFR Project" . More specifically, the ARI was initiated by a group within the CFR called the "US/Middle East Project" – a body of senior diplomats, intelligence officers and financiers, the stated aim of which is to undertake regional "policy analysis" in order "to prevent conflict and promote stability". The US/Middle East Project pursues these goals under the guidance of an international board chaired by General (Ret.) Brent Scowcroft.
Brent Scowcroft (chairman emeritus) is a former national security adviser to the US president – he took over the role from Henry Kissinger. Sitting alongside Scowcroft of the international board is his fellow geo-strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who succeeded him as the national security adviser, and Peter Sutherland, the chairman of Goldman Sachs International. So, as early as 2005, we've got a senior wing of the western intelligence/banking establishment selecting Kodmani to run a Middle East research project. In September of that year, Kodmani was made full-time director of the programme. Earlier in 2005, the CFR assigned "financial oversight" of the project to the Centre for European Reform (CER). In come the British.
The CER is overseen by Lord Kerr, the deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell. Kerr is a former head of the diplomatic service and is a senior adviser at Chatham House (a thinktank showcasing the best brains of the British diplomatic establishment).
In charge of the CER on a day-to-day basis is Charles Grant, former defence editor of the Economist, and these days a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a "pan-European thinktank" packed with diplomats, industrialists, professors and prime ministers. On its list of members you'll find the name: "Bassma Kodmani (France/Syria) – Executive Director, Arab Reform Initiative".
Another name on the list: George Soros – the financier whose non-profit "Open Society Foundations" is a primary funding source of the ECFR. At this level, the worlds of banking, diplomacy, industry, intelligence and the various policy institutes and foundations all mesh together, and there, in the middle of it all, is Kodmani.
The point is, Kodmani is not some random "pro-democracy activist" who happens to have found herself in front of a microphone. She has impeccable international diplomacy credentials: she holds the position of research director at the Académie Diplomatique Internationale – "an independent and neutral institution dedicated to promoting modern diplomacy". The Académie is headed by Jean-Claude Cousseran, a former head of the DGSE – the French foreign intelligence service.
A picture is emerging of Kodmani as a trusted lieutenant of the Anglo-American democracy-promotion industry. Her "province of origin" (according to the SNC website) is Damascus, but she has close and long-standing professional relationships with precisely those powers she's calling upon to intervene in Syria.
And many of her spokesmen colleagues are equally well-connected.
read more
четверг, 19 июля 2012 г.
officiary (functionary) - servant of the people
officiary (functionary) - servant of the people
And for what need servant of the people - to throw a crumb of bread to people as a favor?

среда, 18 июля 2012 г.
Defense Minister, His Deputy and Assistant Vice-President Martyred in Terrorist Explosion Targeting National Security HQ in Damascus
Defense Minister, His Deputy and Assistant Vice-President Martyred in Terrorist Explosion Targeting National Security HQ in Damascus
Jul 18, 2012
DAMASCUS (SANA) – Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Gen. Dawood Rajiha, Deputy Minister of Defense Gen. Asef Shawkat and Assisstant Vice-President Gen. Hassan Turkmani were martyred on Wednesday in a terrorist explosion targeting the National Security headquarters in Damascus.
The terrorist blast happened while a meeting of a number of ministers and senior military and security officials was taking place, causing injuries among the attenendees, some of them critical. SANA sources confirmed that Interior Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar and and Lt. Gen. Hisham are in a stable health condition.
Martyr Rajiha was born in 1947 in Damascus, and he graduated from the Military Academy in 1968, specialized in artillery. He took several military training courses, including Leadership and Staff course and Higher Staff course. He was promoted to Lieutenant General in 1998, ad he was made General in 2005. He occupied various military posts including battalion and brigade commander and director of a number of directorates and departments at the Armed Forces, and he was appointed Deputy Chief of General Staff in 2004 and later Chief of General Staff in 2009.
He was awarded several military medals during the course of his career, and he was married and left behind four children. F.Allafi/H.Said
Jul 18, 2012
DAMASCUS (SANA) – Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Gen. Dawood Rajiha, Deputy Minister of Defense Gen. Asef Shawkat and Assisstant Vice-President Gen. Hassan Turkmani were martyred on Wednesday in a terrorist explosion targeting the National Security headquarters in Damascus.
The terrorist blast happened while a meeting of a number of ministers and senior military and security officials was taking place, causing injuries among the attenendees, some of them critical. SANA sources confirmed that Interior Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar and and Lt. Gen. Hisham are in a stable health condition.
Martyr Rajiha was born in 1947 in Damascus, and he graduated from the Military Academy in 1968, specialized in artillery. He took several military training courses, including Leadership and Staff course and Higher Staff course. He was promoted to Lieutenant General in 1998, ad he was made General in 2005. He occupied various military posts including battalion and brigade commander and director of a number of directorates and departments at the Armed Forces, and he was appointed Deputy Chief of General Staff in 2004 and later Chief of General Staff in 2009.
He was awarded several military medals during the course of his career, and he was married and left behind four children. F.Allafi/H.Said
понедельник, 16 июля 2012 г.
The Day of History
The Day of History: July 17, 1942 The Battle of Stalingrad began. She became a turning point in World War II, when the Red Army was determined to win on all fronts, when the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion.

Syrian General Manaf Tlass: Neither Here Nor There
By Sharmine Narwani - Sun, 2012-07-08 23:47- The Sandbox
The departure of Brigadier General Manaf Tlass from Syria continues to make headlines around the world. But amidst the fanfare, the question of whether this latest development has lasting significance is not at all clear. There are several points to consider:
First, gaining the "defection" of important members of the Sunni community and senior commanders of the Syrian Army has been a central goal of the external opposition and their foreign backers since the onset of protests in 2011. This is the Assad-must-go-no-matter-what crowd, and splitting key pro-regime communities (major cities, secular Sunnis, business elite, government officials, armed forces and minority groups) has been their only strategy to provoke regime change, outside of foreign military assistance.
Second, the regime-changers have gone to great lengths to actively promote "cracks" in these communities. This includes widespread misinformation campaigns as outlined by Stratfor last December, and through carefully calibrated unconventional warfare tactics as explained in this article. A slew of current and former regime officials/confidantes have been approached by external parties this past year to - if necessary - manufacture these fissures. One former senior government official who is known to be dissatisfied with Assad's performance has told me personally that he was offered a specific large sum of money by the US Congress - brokered by a third nation - just to show up at a critical "Friends of Syria" opposition meeting. Gaining key defections from Syria has become that important.
Third, Brigadier General Tlass is, frankly, not that important from either a military or political perspective.
Since the news of his departure broke a few days ago, Tlass has stayed quiet. It is unlikely that he has "defected" - that would suggest he is joining the opposition, and it is doubtful that any but the most opportunistic of them would embrace a figure so closely associated with the Assad history in Syria.
>full teat
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