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вторник, 15 января 2013 г.

"Democratic court" by West

January 14, 2013 self-styled "military tribunal Libya" sentenced to death Libyan citizen, Saif al-Islam, son of Muammar Gaddafi, leader of Libya and the Libyan citizen Abdullah al-Senussi. The hearing was held in secret, all the "accusations" are known and those are not due to its unproven. The sentence was handed down behind closed doors, as required officials in some Western countries. "The court ruled that the performance penalty Seif al-Islam held in Benghazi, and penalty Senussi - in Tripoli."
The sentence will be carried out on February 17 on the second anniversary of the counter-revolution, inspired by secret services of NATO and Qatar, the Libyan Jamahiriya. A resident of Bani Walid, which contacted by telephone, said succinctly: "Every such" judgment "pro-NATO regime in Tripoli signed himself sentence. Libya will be free! And an hour of its release is near! "

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